Saturday, December 13, 2014

Captain Michael Berry and Steam Ship Southerner Collision

From Captain Michael Berry
Steam Ship Southerner New York October 23 18
I send you an order for a suit of Metallic Life Boats for the steam ship General Marion now building for the Charleston They will be required in January Yours &c Mr J Francis  M Berry

Dwight's American Magazine, Volume 2 edited by Theodore Dwight
The Steamship Southerner This ship which is said to equal any of the Cunard ships in good qualities takes her place in the line to Charleston on the 10th of September She is described fully as follows 207 feet in length from stern to stern thirty feet beam 14 feet depth of hold and measuring 800 tons Her engine made by Sultman Allen & Co of this city is constructed upon the most approved plan of the English marine combined with all the new improvements of American ingenuity Her wheels are of iron 31 feet in diameter 7 1 2 feet and 8 feet stroke Her cabins are spacious and elegantly contrived Her state rooms are of mahogany ornamented with white enamel She is ship rigored and was built by an association of N York and Charleston merchants expressly to ply between these ports She is commanded by Capt M Berry who has been 28 years in the Charleston trade She has berths for 105 passengers."

Thursday, March 16, 1848
Paper: New York Herald (New York, NY)

Monday, October 14, 1850
Paper: Sandusky Register (Sandusky, OH)


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