Wednesday, March 4, 2015

DAR New England Chapters & Descendants of Moses Short Newbury MA Members

From the Archives Several DAR Members in New England In Memory for Moses Short of Newbury and his descendant Laurie Jarvis Short. Her relatives Abbey Short and Ruth Short of the DAR Old Newbury Chapter For copies of PDF ARTICLES email me A DAR Outing

Moses Short, a Revolutionary patriot and carrier of the Newburyport Herald for nearly half a century, was one of the attendees at the 50th anniversary celebration of our Independence in Newburyport. Moses raised his glass and spoke these words: "The Tree of Liberty watered by the blood of the Revolution may our children suffer no canker worms to injure its sacred leaves."
Old Newbury Chapter Newburyport Massachusetts One of the most attractive outings ever taken by the chapter was the Field Day at Fatherland farm South Byfield October 15 1900 This house long the seat of the Parsons family was built by Jacob Parsons the Boston merchant Its present owner is Mrs Alexander Forbes a descendant of Jacob Parsons and a member of Old Newbury Chapter. Ruth I Short attended. Moses Short, son of James Short 1713-1795 and Ruth Jaques 1717-1779 (aunt of Anna Jaques)
He had at least 9 siblings. He married Lydia Emery (155-1826) July 24, 1781 and they had 6 children. He married Abigail Illsley Oct 26 1826 They had 2 daughters Abigail Styles Short 1830-1903 and Ruth Illsley Short 1829-1907 BOOK: MASSACHUSETTS SOLDIERS & SAILORS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR
"SHORT, MOSES, Newbury. Private, Capt. Silas Adam's co., Col. Titcomb's regt.; service 2 mos., travel also allowed to and from place of rendevous, roll endorsed 'for 2 Months Service at R Island;' also, Capt. Oliver Titcomb's co., Col. Cogswell's regt.; entered service Oct. 5, 1778; service 2 months 29 days; company detached to guard and fortify post in and about Boston." Picture below Short House Newbury MA Photo From Boston Public Library


From DAR Lineage Book Ruth Isley Short and Abigail Short Born in Newbury, Massachusetts. Descendant of Moses Short, of Massachusetts. Daughter of Moses Short and Abigail Ilsley, his wife. Moses Short, (1760-1841), served as a private and received a pension. He was born in Newbury, where he died.

Newburyport Daily News Tuesday September 1, 1903 page 3 Abby Short Dead The death of Miss Abby Short occurred at Newbury this morning at the age of 72 years. For many years Miss Short was a teacher in the Kelly School of this city and her former pupils number many of the leading business men of the city today, who remember her with the kindliest of feelings for the important part she played in the shaping of their education. She had been a “great” sufferer for years and her death comes as a welcome relief. Full of years and of honors she is sincerely mourned and throughout the city today many a tear will drop in memory of Miss Short. Gravestone located in First Parish Cemetery, High Road, Newbury,Massachusetts 1760 Moses Short 1841Soldier of the American Revolution
His Wife 1786 Abigail Ilsley 1875 their daughters
1829 Ruth I Short 1927 Photo below 1830 Abigail Short 1903

Newburyport Daily News Thursday March 17, 1927 page 4 At Rest in Native Town The funeral of Miss Ruth Ilsley Short for many years a resident of Oldtown was held at the home of Mrs. Ruth Bradstreet in Rowley, where Miss Short had made her home for the past few years. Her death occurred Sunday evening March 13, aged 97 years, 8 months and 23 days. She was the daughter of Moses and Abigail Short of Newbury, he being a Revolutionary Soldier. Miss Short was one of the very few remaining real Daughters of the Revolution. Her home was in one of the oldest houses in Newbury, at the corner of High Street and Rolfe’s Lane and she was the oldest in point of membership of the Oldtown Church, having united with it 73 years ago. At one time in her life Miss Short was a teacher in the old school house that stood upon the Upper Green.
The funeral service was conducted by the pastor of the First Church in Newbury, Rev. Charles Sumner Holton, and was attended by many of her former neighbors and friends, also officers and members of the church. There were many beautiful floral tokens, including gifts from the Home Missionary Society of which the deceased had been a member for many years, also from the local Chapter of the D.A.R. and from other friends. The funeral was in the Cemetery of the First Church, Newbury. Gravestone located in First Parish Cemetery, High Road, Newbury, MA Transcription: 1760 Moses Short 1841
Soldier of the American Revolution His Wife 1786 Abigail Ilsley 1875 their daughters 1829 Ruth I Short 1927 1830 Abigail Short 1903

Nathaniel Tracy Chapter of Newburyport 1896 and DAR Magazine Vol 17 1900 mentions the Chapter and Nathaniel Tracy and Dalton House. Newburyport sent out many privateers during the Revolutionary war Nathaniel Tracy fitted out a great fleet consisting of 24 cruisers with 340 guns and 2800 men He also contributed $160,000 to the cause of liberty His fine old mansion is now the public library and museum The old Dalton house now the home of the Dalton club retains its fire places with their exquisite carvings and Corinthian pillars reaching to the ceiling In a frame upon the wall is a sample of wall paper similar to that seen in the Quincy house On the label it is stated that it had been used to adorn the room in which Mary Dalton was married to Leonard White

From this article Mrs. Elizabeth Brown Thomas Morse, Ruth Short, Mary Augusta Danforth, Sarah Judd, Helen Stone Rogers 

From this Article

See Mary Rebecca Brodhead Pike (1815-1922) — New Hampshire DAR member — achieved age 106

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