Monday, December 21, 2015

A Short Biography of an antique dealer by Israel Sack

Below is the introduction of an article published in Antiques and Fine Art Magazine the link is included to read full article. I have added some Genealogy for NEFG&H Group

The late Samuel Gelston King was born in Boston in the year 1857, the son of Franklin King and Sarah (Gelston) King. He went into his father’s business immediately upon leaving school, and continued an active interest in it, even at an advanced age walking daily from his Marlboro Street home to his offices on Atlantic Avenue, where, under the name of E. F. King & Co., his son, Gelston King, carries on for the third generation. To Read More Click Link To Antiques and Fine Arts Magazine New England Connoisseur

17 Marlborough Street were Israel Sack visited purchased in February of 1906 by Samuel Gelston King and his wife Alice Tyler (Clarke) King. They previously had lived at 476 Commonwealth.In April of 1917, Samuel King applied for (and subsequently received) permission to add a one story, 6 foot by 9 foot addition at the rear of the building.  The addition was designed by architect William Whitney Lewis. Alice King died in May of 1926.  Samuel King continued to live at 17 Marlborough until his death in December of 1932.  The house was not listed in the 1934 and 1935 Blue Books. The house remained in the King family and, by 1934, was the home of Frederick A. Marsden, a retired physician, who operated it as lodging house. They also maintained a summer home in Nahant. In 1868, it was the home of merchant George Dudley Howe and his wife Alice Lloyd (Greenwood) Howe.

1851 Franklin King House From The Dorchester Illustration of the Day
Franklin King was in business in Boston in E.F. King and Company, wholesale druggists. He was also a real estate developer, at least in a small way.  He was one of the men who signed a petition to the Massachusetts General Court requesting the annexation of Dorchester to Boston.
The house was located where the Byrne Playground is today.   We knew that at some point during the early 20th century, King’s no longer extant residence on the Byrne Playground parcel was operated as the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital.  A look at the atlases shows that the property passed from King to Sarah F. King Nash between 1910 and 1918 and from her to the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital between 1918 and 1933.  A recent inquiry about the Nash facility of the Hospital led to an internet search for Nash, and the result was a photo of the Nash Home for Convalescent Men, which we presume to be the facility that once was the home of Franklin King. Below from The Unitarian Register, Volume 77

See Clam point of Dorchester MA
The Genealogy of the Worthington Family
Sara Gelston d. of Samuel Gelston b. 15 Jan 1785, d. 15 Aug 1823 and Sally Cartwright b. 23 Mar 1786, d. 5 Jan 1874 see Dr. Samuel Gelston Fights the Smallpox
Franklin King s.of Isaac King and Lucinda Worthington d of David Worthington and Affa Gilbert
Isaac King s.of Eleazer King and Elizabeth Day 
Children of Samuel and Sara Gelston 
Samuel Gelston King. b. Feb. 8, 1857; m.. Oct. 30, 1882, Alice T. Clark
Anne Gelston King, b. in Dorchester, Sept. 5, 1845 m. Frank Edwin Brigham, b. Oct. 6, 1843. m. in Dorchester, Nov. 29, 1870 
Sarah Frances King
Bertha King
Sophia King Sarah Francis King 
Abby C Lawrence King
William Bates King
Theodore Winthrop King

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