Saturday, April 30, 2016

Captain John M Pettingell

John Mason Pettingell was son of Andrew Haskell Pettingell and Mary Nash Grandson of Moses Pettingell and Mary Haskell.
Gr Grandson of Eleazer Pettingell and Sally Folsom Beckett
Gr Gr Grandson of  Moses Pettingell and Elizabeth Atkinson
Gr Gr Gr Grandson of  Nathaniel Pettingell and Margaret Richardson Gr Gr Gr Gr Grandson of  Matthew Pettingill and Sarah Noyes From A Pettingell Genealogy: Notes Concerning Those of the Name

J. M. Pettingell was married in June, as the following from The Bottom Traveller, relates: "Miss Myrtle Van Wye, daughter of Mrs. Flora H. Van Wye, of Bradlee Court, Craigie Circuit, and John Mason Pettingell of 1 Ellsworth Park were married last evening at the home of the bride's mother. The Rev. Raymond Calkins, pastor of the First Congregational Church, performed the ceremony. The bride was attended by a group of young girls, members of her Sunday school class, and was given in marriage by her mother. The best man was Andrew F. Pettingell, a brother of the bridegroom. The bridegroom is a graduate of Technology in the Class of 1912 and the son of Mrs. Caroline F. and the late Capt. John M. Pettingell, of Newburyport. During the war he was an aviator, serving with the rank of second lieutenant in this country and France. He is a member of the firm of Carlson & Pettingell, combustion engineers. The bride is a graduate of Mt. Holyoke College, Class of 1914, with M. A. degree from Radcliffe in 1916. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Pettingell will reside at 1200 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass."
Tuesday, June 25, 1901 Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts) 

  • Technology Review, Volume 23
  • A Pettingell Genealogy: Notes Concerning Those of the Name
  • Richard Fowler, Sr. (1802-1881) of Newburyport, Massachusetts and his wife, Susanna Mary Currier (1803-1875); their ancestry and their descendants Laura K. Pettingell, John M. Pettingell
  • Boot and Shoe Recorder, Volume 30  
  • Boots and Shoes. Gossip Gathered among Local Dealers. and Manufacturers Saturday, March 14, 1891  
  • The Boston Almanac and Business Directory, Volume 57
  • Business Troubles. Closed by the Sheriff Saturday, May 9, 1896 Boston Journal
  • National Telephone Directory 1895
  • Annual Statics of Manufactures 1891
  • The Boot and Shoe Trade. How some Drummers Work up Trade-Items of Interest to Shoe Men Friday, June 13, 1890 Boston Journal

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