Sunday, June 5, 2016

Henry Wood and the Girouard Family of Leominster Massachusetts

Currently working on the Hart Line and descendants of Isaac Hart. This is a branch of Carolyn Hart Wood's line. Her grandfather, Henry Wood married Marie Anne Girouard. Below is a photo of Girouard ladies Claire and Malvina. Any information please post. Thank You! 

Henry Wood (above) was born on September 23, 1901, in Spencer, Massachusetts, s. of Patrick Wood and Emma Paul. He had one son with Marie "Annie" Girouard (above) d. of Nazaire Girouard and Marie Blanche Girouard. Henry died on December 8, 1966, in Leominster, Massachusetts, at the age of 65. Below a photo of Annie and Henry's store on variety/ luncheonette on Mechanic Street in Leominster Ma. Henry, Annie, and Henry, JR. working at Henry's Variety.  Photos below of Henry Wood, JR in Air Force and Stevens'College. Henry Wood Jr was born on April 9, 1931, in Newark, New Jersey. He was veteran of the Korean War, serving mostly overseas with the US Air Force. Henry JR. married Elizabeth Hart Marlowe d. of William J Marlowe and Grace Hart.

(Marie) Annie Girouard of Nazaire Girouard and Marie Blanche Girouard born on April 2, 1901, in New Brunswick. Wife of Henry Wood. 

Emma Paul d. of Daniel Paul and Sophie Collette born in Spencer, Massachusetts. Mother of Henry Wood, SR. Wife of Patrick J Wood. 

Patrick J Wood s. of Patrick Wood and Mary Knight b. March 17, 1868, in Salem, Massachusetts. M. Emma Paul on June 26, 1893, in Spencer, Massachusetts

The Girouard Brothers Louis, Edmond, Albert, Phil,and Benoni all born to Nazaire Girouard and Marie Blanche Girouard.

Malvina Girouard born on January 20, 1892, in Kent, New Brunswick d. of Nazaire Girouard and Marie Blanche Girouard

Claire Girouard d. of of Nazaire Girouard and Marie Blanche Girouard born November 9, 1887 

Emilia Girouard and brother Hector Girouard. Hector was born on September 19, 1896, in Kent, New Brunswick, s. of Nazaire Girouard and Marie Blanche Girouard. He had five brothers and five sisters. He died in 1918 in Leominster, Massachusetts, at the age of 22.

Marie Blanche Girouard born September 21, 1861, in Kent, New Brunswick, d. of Louis Jean Girouard and Euphemie Jaillet, was 16. She married Nazaire on November 9, 1895, in Kent, New Brunswick. They had 11 children in 19 years. She died on February 19, 1955, in Leominster, Massachusetts, at the age of 93. Below is a group family photo of Girouard Clan

Albert Girouard and sons Norman and Albert, JR. Albert was born on February 14, 1889, in Kent, New Brunswick s. of Nazaire Girouard and Marie Blanche Girouard. Albert married Amanda LaLonde d. of Stanislas Lalonde and Henriette Beauchamp. 

Amanda LaLonde, wife of Albert Girouard born in 1894 in Michigan. Mother to Norman Girouard b. on January 6, 1919, in Leominster, Massachusetts and d. on July 8, 2002, in his hometown, at the age of 83. Mother to Albert Girouard, JR b. on October 10, 1920 in Leominster, Massachusetts and d. January 3, 2015 in Epoch Senior Healthcare Center of Brewster, Massachusetts. He was 94.

Henriette LaLonde (Beauchamp/Archambault) sitting in middle, Second husband Stanislas in back on left and son Edward on back right.

Stanislas LaLonde with wife Henriette Beauchamp/Archambeault/LaLonde and their daughter Emile (the youngest child). Back; Milleneau, Edward, Elida, Joseph all Archambaults. Front: Vicgtoria (on left) and Albina (midle girl) both Archambault's.

Stanislas LaLonde and Henriette Beauchamp LaLonde taken before 1920.

Henriette Beauchamp Lalonde with her daughter Milleneau LaLonde Archambault

The Girouard Sisters Annie, Rose, Aline, and Malvina. Probably taken in Lemonister. 

Vitaline, Josephine, and Marie Blanche Girouard and below Sister Vitaline Girouard in her official church position.

Group Photo above of Girouard and Wood Family and one below of the the Henry and Annie Wood with other Family members in Canada. 

1 comment:

  1. What a collection of photos mainly Girouard from Ste-Marie-de-Kent, NB , relatives and their descendants! Fernand Girouard


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