Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ancestors of Taft noted in MA Bay State

After reading Weaselhead, Devil and Drunkard: Surnames Originating As Insults in Genealogy Magazine by author and editor James Pylant  I found this from the archives Boston Herald October 19, 1908

Pictures from The Taft Family Site Charles P. Taft and his wife Anna Sinton Taft

Alfonso Taft and in the 2nd one his four sons together on November 2, 1925 at the dedication of the Alfonso Taft Law College at the University of Cincinnati. From left to right is New York attorney Henry W. Taft, Chief Justice and 27th President of the United States William Howard Taft, Cincinnati Times-Star owner Charles P. Taft, and Forrest D. Taft, head master of the Taft School at Watertown, Connecticut.

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